FDA-Cleared Advanced Image Augmentation Technology
DL Precise™
DL Precise™ is a groundbreaking shape-recognition software that significantly improves accuracy and efficiency in medical imaging. Our software works directly on image display for versatility across image acquisition devices or modalities.
DeepLook Medical's
Patented Shape-Recognition Technology
DeepLook Medical developed DL Precise™ to empower radiologists with a cutting-edge software tool to improve the visualization and efficiency of medical imaging, even in dense breast tissue. Throughout the imaging pathway, DeepLook software tools are developing to have the potential to improve early detection, enable informed diagnosis and treatment decisions, and improve clinician workflows.
By working hand-in-hand with clinicians,
DeepLook visualizes better cancer care for all patients.
Only 70% of grey shades displayed on monitors are capable of deciphering by human eyes
Medical images create 4,000 – 65,000 shades of gray
Medical-grade monitors display 1,024 shades of gray
DL Precise™ unlocks 100% of shades in medical imaging created by contrasting suspicious dense masses on existing medical images through color
Breast imaging has gotten more complex.
Some images are harder to read and now we start screening at an earlier age.
We need automated tools & libraries to help differentiating.
MRIs for all dense young breasts is not a solution.
DeepLook Medical can add the right tools to mammography to have a better use of them and the power to reduce the number of MRIs and biopsies requested unnecessarily.
Charlotte Moser, MD, PhD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer
Radiation Oncologist